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Ukrainian forces advance and consolidate positions near Urozhaine

Tuesday, 15 August 2023, 09:35
Ukrainian forces advance and consolidate positions near Urozhaine
screenshot from deepstatemap, August 15

Andrii Kovalov, the spokesman for the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, has reported that Ukrainian defenders have gained success in the area of Urozhaine and are consolidating their positions on the ground.

Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; Kovalov at a briefing; Military Media Center

Quote: "[Ukrainian forces] have had success in the area of Urozhaine and are consolidating their positions on previously gained ground."

Details: Kovalov says that Ukrainian troops are advancing in the area of Urozhaine on the southern front, inflicting artillery damage on identified Russian targets, and carrying out counter-battery countermeasures.

Russian forces carried out unsuccessful offensive actions in the areas of Marinka and Krasnohorivka. The Russians are putting up strong resistance, moving units and troops, and applying reserves.

Defence Forces are continuing their offensive, in particular on the Melitopol and Berdiansk fronts.

At the same time, Ukrainian troops continue to hold back the Russian offensive on the Kupiansk and Lyman fronts.

Kovalov reported that heavy fighting continues. In total, 15 combat clashes occurred during the day.

The Defence Forces are conducting offensive operations south of the city of Bakhmut on the Bakhmut front.

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