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Sullivan on US "doubting" counteroffensive: I believe Ukrainian fighters will continue to make progress on the battlefield

Friday, 18 August 2023, 17:51
Sullivan on US doubting counteroffensive: I believe Ukrainian fighters will continue to make progress on the battlefield

Jake Sullivan, US Presidential National Security Advisor, has commented on The Washington Post’s article that claims with reference to sources that Ukraine will not be able to attain the key goal of its counteroffensive.

Source: Sullivan at the press conference in Camp-David on 18 August, as reported by European Pravda

In its article, The Washington Post reported that Ukraine will not be able to achieve its key objective – the city of Melitopol in Zaporizhzhia Oblast – in the course of counteroffensive operations.

Sullivan stated that the Russian war against Ukraine and all the ways it could unfold have been analysed numerous times over the course of the last two years, and the conclusions have changed "as dynamic battlefield conditions changed".

"What we have said from multiple podiums and multiple briefings remains the same: we are doing everything we can to support Ukraine and its counteroffensive. We are not going to handicap the outcome," Sullivan stressed.

The advisor added that the US will not make any forecast for the war in Ukraine as it is "inherently unpredictable".

"[I can say – ed.] that I believe and have confidence in the capacity and especially the bravery of the Ukrainian fighters to continue to make progress on the battlefield," Sullivan summed up.

Earlier, the Pentagon stated that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had performed a miracle, driving the Russians into defence. 

In addition, the US defence department recorded the advance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the counteroffensive but predicts that it will be a difficult and long fight.

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