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France on Russia's attack on Chernihiv: It shows Russian cowardice and cynicism

Saturday, 19 August 2023, 19:42
France on Russia's attack on Chernihiv: It shows Russian cowardice and cynicism

The French Foreign Ministry has condemned the Russian missile strike on the centre of Chernihiv, which killed seven people and injured almost 130. The ministry says that the international law considers deliberate shelling of civilian targets a war crime.

Source: statement of the French Foreign Ministry, reports European Pravda

Quote: "This is another illustration of Russia's cowardice and cynicism. France will continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary and will continue to support Ukrainian and international courts so that these crimes do not go unpunished."

The French Foreign Ministry also promised that it would continue to condemn Russia's actions and the continuation of its aggressive war against Ukraine.


  • On the morning of 19 August, Russian troops hit the centre of Chernihiv with a ballistic missile.
  • Russian forces launched a missile attack on the Chernihiv Music and Drama Theatre when a gathering of drone manufacturers and aerial reconnaissance training schools was held there as part of the Liuti Ptashky (Angry Birds) demo day, although only the event’s participants knew the exact location.
  • The latest reports say 136 people were injured in the strike, and seven lost their lives. In Chernihiv, mourning was declared from 19 to 21 August.

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