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Prigozhin's funeral date and place classified in Russia

Tuesday, 29 August 2023, 12:28
Prigozhin's funeral date and place classified in Russia

Russia has classified the date and place of burial of Yevgeny Prigozhin, financier of the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC), who had recently died in a plane crash.

Source: Kremlin-aligned Russian newspaper; Russian state-owned news outlet RIA Novosti, citing Dmitry Peskov, the Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation

Quote: "Everything is classified. We are not informed. We are under a [non-disclosure –] agreement."


Details: The newspaper reported that the funeral will likely occur at the Northern Cemetery in St Petersburg. Wagnerites have begun to arrive there.

On 29 August, the Kremlin officially confirmed that Putin does not plan to attend the event.



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