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Chinese representative was active in Jeddah, Ukraine expects to see Xi Jinping at peace summit

Monday, 7 August 2023, 17:10
Chinese representative was active in Jeddah, Ukraine expects to see Xi Jinping at peace summit

Ukraine wants to see Chinese President Xi Jinping at the peace summit on the level of state leaders set to be conducted by the end of the year.

Source: Andrii Yermak, head of the Office of the President of Ukraine; Mykola Tochytskyi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, during a press conference after the meeting between political advisors in Saudi Arabia

Details: Yermak stated that the partners of Ukraine were surprised by active participation of Chinese representative Li Hui in the meeting.

Quote by Yermak: "The participation of China is very important. Its representative did not only arrive at the meeting but was also active during the talks and made a speech. In addition to this, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs then published a separate message about our meeting. It is quite significant."

Details: Political advisors are to hold another meeting after the meeting in Saudi Arabia, after which Ukraine aims to also organise a peace summit on the level of heads of state. Yermak replied in the affirmative to the question of Ukrainska Pravda on whether Ukraine expects to see the Chinese leader at this meeting.

Quote by Tochytskyi: "We are working on it. It is obvious that since we are working with the Global South, we would like to involve such powerful players as the Chinese leader into our work."

Details: Yermak added that according to Ukraine’s plan, nine groups are to start working towards the implementation of the Ukraine’s peace formula after the summit of the heads of states.

Quote by Yermak: "After that, with the agenda concerning all nine points of the peace formula prepared, the groups will gather at the second Peace Summit where a concrete document will be created, as provided for by the tenth point of the peace formula called the Documentation of the End of the War."


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