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UK intelligence comments on Russian sham elections in occupied parts of Ukraine

Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 09:58

UK intelligence claims that Putin's "United Russia" is seeking to consolidate the Kremlin's influence in the occupied territories of Ukraine by holding pseudo-elections there.

Source: UK MoD Defence Intelligence review, as reported by European Pravda

It is noted that the Russian authorities in the occupied parts of Ukraine are planning to hold sham elections there on 8-10 September – in parallel with the elections in Russia. Voting has already begun in Mariupol and parts of Zaporizhia Oblast.


"Whilst over 1,000 candidates have been indentified, there is a lack of qualified, experienced, and willing candidates according to some reports.  There is also an absence of independent candidates that are not members of the Kremlin endorsed parties, indicating that these will not be free or fair elections. ," the review says.

The Ukrainian National Resistance Center also claims that the occupation administrations have significantly exaggerated the number of voters on the lists.

"Kremlin polls indicate United Russia, the dominant political party in the Russian Federation, is predicted to gain 80 per cent of the vote in the four occupied regions.  The United Russia party will likely command the majority of seats in an attempt to secure the Kremlin's hold and influence over the occupied regions," the review says.


Background: On  1 September Peter Stano, European Commission spokesman, condemned Russia's holding of sham elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine. 

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