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Germany delivers first batch of newly produced Gepard shells to Ukraine

Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 13:37

Germany has sent Ukraine ammunition just produced at the restored production line for Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

Source: European Pravda with reference to the German Defence Ministry

The ministry noted that the construction of a production line for the manufacture of ammunition was successfully completed in an ambitious time frame, which made it possible to carry out the first delivery of a five-figure number of shells to Ukraine.


"The war in Ukraine reminds us almost daily that the defence of our own country depends on air defence and a sufficient amount of ammunition. With the resumption of production of Gepard ammunition, we are focusing on these two important aspects," said Defenсe Minister Boris Pistorius.

"I am glad we launched production so quickly and without bureaucratic obstacles," Boris Pistorius added.

The minister assured that Germany will continue to support Ukraine in those areas that are its strengths: artillery, ammunition and ground air defence.


In February 2023, the German defence minister, at a meeting in the Ramstein format, said that by order of the German Federal Ministry of Defence, Rheinmetall AG would restore the production line to produce ammunition for Gepard.

The contract signed in February with a budget of €168 million provides for the supply of a total of 300,000 shells. To do this, it was necessary to restart production and find a way to process old ammunition using new means.

Despite this challenging process, the first ammunition was delivered to Ukraine almost seven months after the contract was signed.

As of today, Germany has delivered 46 Gepard installations to Kyiv. Six more should arrive soon.


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