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Erdoğan confirms to Zelenskyy that Türkiye will attend peace formula meeting in Malta

Saturday, 21 October 2023, 17:28

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has reported that he held a conversation with Türkiye’s leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Source: Zelenskyy on Telegram, as reported by European Pravda

During the telephone conversation, the Ukrainian president thanked Türkiye for its steadfast support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The parties also discussed the issues of food security and the escalating situation in the Middle East, agreeing on the need to "ensure the protection of civilians and respect for humanitarian law".

Quote from Zelenskyy: "We discussed the next round of peace formula talks, which will take place in Malta. Türkiye will be taking part, adding its authoritative voice and position."


  • It was announced yesterday that the next Ukrainian peace formula meeting at the level of advisers will be held in Malta on 28-29 October.
  • The President's Office expressed the hope that more than 50 states could take part in the meeting and that it would result in the approval of plans to implement the points of the formula.

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