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Moscow substation on fire, leaving residents of 3 districts without power or heat during severe cold – photo, video

Thursday, 4 January 2024, 08:47
Moscow substation on fire, leaving residents of 3 districts without power or heat during severe cold – photo, video
Fire in Moscow. Photo: Baza Telegram channel.

Dozens of buildings in Moscow have had power and heat cut off as a result of a fire that broke out at one of the city’s power substations.

Source: RIA Novosti, a pro-Kremlin Russian news agency; Baza and Mash, Russian Telegram channels

Details: RIA Novosti reported, citing the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, that the fire broke out at a transformer substation in north-east Moscow on the morning of Thursday, 4 January. The affected residents are being switched to a back-up power supply.


Later, RIA Novosti cited Moscow city officials, saying that "the majority of the buildings have been switched to a back-up supply after a fire at a Moscow substation, with around 40 buildings to be re-connected in the next 1.5–2 hours."

Baza reported that the fire at a substation on Vysokovoltny Proezd in Moscow had left more than 20 high-rise buildings in several parts of the city (Otradnoye, Bibiryevo, Severnoye Medvyedkovo and Yuzhnoye Medvyedkovo) without power and heat.

It is yet unclear what has caused the fire.

The night of 3–4 January was the coldest night since the beginning of winter in Moscow, with the temperature dropping to –27.1ºC, according to the Fobos weather centre.

Mash reported that the substation on Vysokovoltny Proezd caught fire at around 06:00. It supplies power to buildings in Otradnoye, Bibiryevo, and Medvyedkovo. The fire was later extinguished.

High-rise apartment buildings in these three Moscow districts were left without power. Temperature inside the apartments dropped to 10-15ºC during the current cold spell.

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