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Russia attacks industrial facility in Kirovohrad Oblast, killing civilian

Thursday, 4 January 2024, 13:45
Russia attacks industrial facility in Kirovohrad Oblast, killing civilian
Consequences of the attack on Kropivnitsky, screenshot from the video of the State Emergency Situations Service

The Russian military attacked an industrial facility in Kropyvnytskyi district in Kirovohrad Oblast, killing a person.

Source: Andrii Raikovych, Head of the Kirovohrad Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote: "People were injured, and one person was killed, as a result of today's missile attack on one of the industrial facilities in Kropyvnytskyi."


Details: Raikovych did not specify when the attack took place. The last time an air raid siren was announced in the oblast from 9:37 to 10:10.

Background: The media reported the explosions in Kropyvnytskyi district at around 10:00.

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