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Shahed UAV hits a residential building in Dnipro – photo

Saturday, 6 January 2024, 23:02
Shahed UAV hits a residential building in Dnipro – photo
Aftermath of the attack on Dnipro. Photo: SES

A drone attack on the city of Dnipro has resulted in a hit to an apartment building, and two people have sought medical assistance.

Source: Serhii Lysak, Head of Dnipro Oblast Military Administration, in a video message on Telegram; State Emergency Service

Quote: "A [apartment – ed.] building housing 22 families was hit. Fortunately, no one was injured; rescue workers saved six people, including two children.


Two people asked for an ambulance."

Later, the State Emergency Service published photos of the aftermath of the attack, and specified that, in addition to the damage to the building, cars were destroyed.

Background: Earlier, the Air Force warned of an attack on Dnipro by Russian attack drones. Media reported explosions in the city.

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