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Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: Russians shell three settlements with more than 50 projectiles overnight

Russians shell Nikopol with heavy artillery, wounding 4 people

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: Russian forces deploy Grad MLRS and heavy artillery to attack three hromadas

Occupiers launch over 70 projectiles on Dnipropetrovsk Oblast overnight

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: occupiers attack with Uragan self-propelled MLRS and Shahed drones, all 8 shot down

Explosions rock Dnipro city

Russian forces fire 50 projectiles on Nikopol, destroying houses, gas pipelines, power transmission lines

Emergency power shutdowns implemented in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk oblasts

Russians shell Dnipropetrovsk Oblast during the day, kill one civilian

Russians shell Nikopol throughout the night using heavy artillery

Russian forces hit Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: high-rise buildings damaged, one person injured

Russian forces use Grad MLRS and heavy artillery to attack hromadas in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Russian forces fire more than 30 rockets and shells on Nikopol district

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: Russians shell Myrove injuring a woman

Over 30 Russian projectiles hit Dnipropetrovsk Oblast overnight

Russian forces attack Nikopol district overnight

Russian forces fire more than 70 projectiles on Nikopol district

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: nearly 3,000 miners rescued

Air defence system activated in three oblasts

Over 30 Russian projectiles targeted Dnipropetrovsk Oblast overnight

Russian forces fire up to 60 projectiles on Nikopol district overnight

40 Russian projectiles target residential quarters of Nikopol: one casualty reported

Russian forces attack Nikopol, hitting a solar power plant

Russian missile attacks on Dnipro: 23 people injured

Shelling of Nikopol: 20 civilian homes and power lines damaged

Russian attacks target 10 residential buildings in Nikopol

Russian forces shell 3 locations in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast using Grad MLRS and heavy artillery overnight

Russian forces use MLRS and heavy artillery to attack Dnipropetrovsk Oblast overnight

Russia fires 40 shells and rockets on Nikopol overnight, 2 women injured

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: Russian forces fire 50 rockets and shells on Nikopol district