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Kharkiv Oblast

Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi settlement liberated in Kharkiv Oblast, 6% of Kharkiv Oblast still under occupation

"Grenade under every pillow": occupiers mine houses and schools in Kharkiv Oblast

Attack on Pervomaiskyi: 7 people killed

Russians launch rocket attack on Pervomaiskyi, Kharkiv Oblast, a 15-year-old girl killed

Electricity restored in Balakliia, Izium is next

Security Service of Ukraine discovers another torture chamber in Kharkiv Oblast: Ukrainians taken to Russia after torture

Head of occupation “police” in Izium, traitor of Ukraine, captured in Kharkiv Oblast

In Kharkiv Oblast, two mushroom pickers step on landmines

Russian occupiers issue call-up notices in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts

Eighteen torture chambers discovered in Kharkiv Oblast, over 1,000 Russian war criminals identified

Police discover torture chamber and mass grave in Kozacha Lopan, Kharkiv Oblast

Eight people blown up by landmines in Kharkiv Oblast in one day

Kharkiv Oblast: Russians strike critical infrastructure in Pechenihy district again

Some residents of Izium will need to evacuate for winter

Rescue worker and 2 municipal service workers caught in mine explosion in Kharkiv Oblast: 1 killed

Russian forces shell Kupiansk: 5 civilians injured

Russia attacks Pechenihy dam in Kharkiv Oblast: upper lock is destroyed

Exhumation in Izium goes on, 263 bodies recovered, including children’s

Residents of the settlement of Pechenihy are afraid of the destruction of the dam by Russia; they are preparing to the case of flooding

Russians loot hospitals in Kharkiv Oblast – losses of equipment are at 95%

In Kozacha Lopan, Russians tortured people in basements of railway station and store

Russian military hit Kharkiv Oblast: two killed and wounded children

The Russians try to destroy the dam of the Pechenihy Reservoir – the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Traitors who helped Russians build dugouts and patrol cities exposed in Kharkiv Oblast

3 people injured due to shelling, 2 people blown up by mines in Kharkiv Oblast

Russian forces forbade Izium residents from burying their dead early in occupation

Mop-up operations continue in Kharkiv Oblast, mutilated bodies found with genitals cut off

Zelenskyy commends Security Service of Ukraine: Now occupiers will have no foothold on Ukrainian land

Most of the bodies exhumed in Izium were civilian – head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration

Russia’s plans for November "referendum" in Kharkiv region revealed: 75% were supposed to vote to join Russia