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Kharkiv Oblast

Zelenskyy arrives in recently liberated city of Izium

Kharkiv Oblast spared overnight, but 3 civilians injured on 13 September

The occupiers in Balakliia set up a prison, where they tortured people – National Police 

Power supply is fully restored after attacks in Kharkiv region

Armed Forces of Ukraine liberate over 300 settlements in Kharkiv Oblast – Deputy Minister of Defence

Wreckage of Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber found near Balakliia

Counteroffensive in Kharkiv Oblast: two mobilised soldiers surrender to Ukraine's border guards

Russians leave lots of weapons for Ukrainian defenders while fleeing Kharkiv Oblast

Kharkiv Oblast: Russian forces attack Lozova, Kharkiv spared but loses power

Ukrainian army has liberated the entire north-east of the Kharkiv region from the Russian occupiers

More than 1,000 civilians have died in Izium and 80% of infrastructure is destroyed – city councillor 

National Guardsmen "pacify" Russian Su-25 attack aircraft using Stinger

On the run back to Russia, occupiers loot houses on their way – Ukrainian Intelligence 

Russians seek ways to surrender due to counteroffensive – Operational Command South

In Kharkiv Oblast, Ukrainian defenders reach border with Russia – head of Oblast Military Administration

Lend-Lease from occupiers: Security Service of Ukraine shows arsenals left by Russians in Izium

Revenge of Russians: 1 killed, 2 wounded civilians due to night attack on Kharkiv

Power supply restored in 80% of Kharkiv Oblast

Reznikov: Armed Forces' counteroffensive is "sign that Russia can be defeated"

Ukrainian Armed Forces use Australian Bushmasters to advance as far as Oskil River – Minister of Defence

Former head of Security Service in Kharkiv Oblast detained

Blackouts reported in Kharkiv, Sumy and other Oblasts

Mop-up operations in Kharkiv Oblast: Ukrainian forces capture crucial UAV, self-propelled gun and tank

Russian forces withdraw from Kharkiv Oblast and retreat in Kherson Oblast – General Staff report

Ukrainian Armed Forces liberate Kozacha Lopan in Kharkiv Oblast – local authorities

Ukrainian Armed Forces liberate more than 40 towns and villages in Kharkiv Oblast – Oblast Military Administration

Russian authorities admit that occupiers left Kharkiv Oblast almost completely 

Occupiers attack liberated Kupiansk 

Commander-in-Chief on Ukraine's counteroffensive: Only 50km left to the border

Ukraine’s Armed Forces liberate another settlement in Kharkiv Oblast – Zelenskyy