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Occupiers in Mariupol put up a monument of a 'grandmother with the flag of the USSR'; Putin's representative Kiriyenko arrives in Mariupol

Russians say they are re-establishing communication between Crimea and Kherson Region

In the Kherson region, occupiers want to disconnect Ukrainians from Facebook and Instagram

Occupiers put janitors and locksmiths in "power" in Berdiansk - Regional Military Administration

Intercepted call: Russian admits that he enjoys torturing Ukrainians, and his mother says she would get a "buzz" out of it too

General Prosecutor Venediktova: of 290 civilians killed by occupying forces in Irpin, 105 bodies remain unidentified

Kyiv Region: Bodies of men with signs of torture found in Kalynivka grave

Fire rages at Azovstal following Russian bombardment

Dozens of fresh graves of invaders spotted in Krasnodar

Russia renews shelling of Azovstal immediately following evacuation

Video of evacuation of civilians from besieged Azovstal plant

Evacuation from Azovstal means humanitarian corridors for residents other districts of Mariupol postponed

Occupiers rob hospitals and force staff to treat wounded Russians - Ukrainian intelligence

Kherson region: ATO veteran Nazar Kahalniak died from torture inflicted by invaders

Russian occupying forces abduct member of Nova Kakhovka council

Ukrainian mobile Internet service vanishes in Kherson Region – media

20 civilians evacuated from Azovstal, but wounded soldiers ignored – Azov

Russian soldier’s intercepted call: Storm of Dnipropetrovsk Region imminent, aviation reinforcement has arrived

Residents of Russian-occupied Melitopol distribute pro-Ukraine posters

New hope for Mariupol evacuation, City Council awaiting confirmation

Azov Regiment shares video in which Russian tank bombards apartment buildings in Mariupol

Berdiansk: Russian occupiers announce transfer of pensions and salaries in rubles

Russian occupiers erect a monument to Lenin in Nova Kakhovka

Zelenskyy: Some will wait for an international tribunal, others will wait “for the night” to take revenge on occupiers

Zelenskyy: Mass grave with bodies of 900 civilians found in Kyiv Region

Zelenskyy: Russian nuclear specialists do not understand the situation at the Zaporizhzhia power plant

Russian troops in Kharkiv Region tortured and shot a paramedic

Russian machine gunner who "got lost" and hid has been caught in the Kyiv region

Ukrainian intelligence: Russian units fire at each other near Chornobaivka

Russian occupiers refuse to hold a referendum in the Kherson region and are already distributing pensions in Rubles