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Russian Security Council calls a Jewish movement a sect: Council Secretary already rushing to apologise

Occupiers call on people not to switch to standard time along with Ukraine

Russian propagandist Simonyan asks Elon Musk to unblock Russia Today’s Twitter account

Russian teachers begin to flee Melitopol

Russian propaganda has already said that Ukraine is preparing to bring dow a "radioactive missile" over Chornobyl

Instead of freedom: Patriarch of Russian Orthodox Church suggests adding love for motherland and sacrifice to list of values of Russians

“Dostoevsky’s demon made me do it,” says Russian propagandist who called for Ukrainian children to be killed

Lavrov says there will be more lies about "dirty bomb"

Chief of Russian General Staff spreads lie about Ukraine’s "dirty bomb" to Europe

RT sacks propagandist TV host for suggesting Ukrainian children should be drowned in river

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister calls for ban on RT TV channel after presenter says Ukrainian children must be killed

Zelenskyy sanctions Prigozhin, Russian propagandists and collaborators

Security of military enlistment offices in Russia reinforced "because of increasing number of attacks"

Court arrests Moscow citizen for allegedly listening to Ukrainian music

Lies of Rashist Propagandists: from "Preparations" for Explosion of Crimean Bridge to "Bombing" of Verkhovna Rada

Up to 300 "militants", who were prepared in Ukraine for the invasion, were found in Belarus

Russia photoshops a Ukrainian passport for new fake about Crimean Bridge "terrorist attack"

Russian propagandists instructed on how to explain what happened with Crimean Bridge

"So?": Russian authorities and propagandists react to destruction of Crimean bridge

Russian media share video of Crimean Bridge explosion

Russian occupiers come up with way to explain away Crimean Bridge fire

Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council on intensification of nuclear news: Information terrorism from Russia

Kremlin happy with Musk's tweets

Kadyrov says he is allegedly sending his underage sons to war

"Everything we’ve got is old, it's a disgrace": occupier urges mother not to believe Russian propaganda

Russian media report Shoigu personally visiting training grounds with the mobilised

International observers at the "referendums" turn out to be Putin lovers and propagandists

"Russian people must unite in the face of NATO threat": Russian media reveal new guide from Kremlin

Rusians knew sham referendum results as early as beginning of September

Timothy Snyder: Russia calls itself a democracy, but it's obviously not