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Kremlin recruits soldiers from Russian Far East because they are better adjusted to cold weather – Ukrainian Intelligence 

FSB once again makes up "terrorist attacks", which Ukraine was allegedly preparing in Crimea

Security Service of Ukraine detains Kyiv residents launching pro-Russian media centre

Foreign Ministry responds to situation with Hungarian textbook containing anti-Ukrainian war propaganda

Putin rewards gang leader convicted for murder after culprit dies in war in Ukraine

Ukrainian law enforcers expose 2 bot farms operating over 7,000 fake Facebook accounts

Up to 10% of locals ready to participate in staged referendum in Snihurivka – Head of Mykolaiv Oblast Military Administration

Security Service of Ukraine reports on uncovering "Russian propaganda star" and two more collaborators in the Luhansk region

Occupiers urge schoolchildren in Crimea to join Russian army on 1 September

In occupied part of Kherson Oblast, school year begins with "brainwashing" – Oblast Military Administration

Occupiers will keep the explosions in Crimea secret so that Russians do not flee – Ukrainian intelligence

Assassins were convinced that Dugin was with his daughter in car – Former Russian MP

Ukraine is not involved in killing of Dugin's daughter – Office of President

"Kyiv will tremble": Russian propagandists demand strikes on decision-making centres

Russian propagandist and daughter of "Putin’s ideologist" killed in car explosion near Moscow: Russian media

Propaganda moles from Russian media prepare new footage in occupied Kherson Oblast

Russian TV propagandist blown up on landmine in occupied Donetsk

Despite Russia's huge losses, Putin brags about weapons and is ready to share them

Russian propagandist and political operative tasked with setting up Russian TV networks in Kherson Oblast

Russian media state that Azovstal defender “died in the pre-trial detention centre due to drugs"

Kuleba on CBS and Amnesty data: their lies have had no effect on weapons supply

Kremlin prepares new manual for covering war against Ukraine: Russia saves everyone

Russian occupiers plan a rock concert in destroyed Azovstal plant – advisor to the mayor of Mariupol

New Kremlin guidelines: war in Ukraine as baptism of Russia, with Putin as Nevsky

Headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet fired on from Sevastopol – Russian occupiers

Satellite images have emerged from the site of the killing of prisoners in Olenivka

In eastern Russia, the graves of soldiers who died in Ukraine were defaced

UN prepared to investigate Olenivka shelling "all parties permitting"

Russians announce 53 Ukrainian prisoners dead – Ukrainian MoD Intelligence says Russia is responsible

Russians complain about recent "shelling" in Bryansk Oblast, but reports no destruction or casualties