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Russians create "youth movements" for brainwashing children in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

Putin decides to gift land in Crimea to 'heroes of war'

Putin tells Russian children that "changes in Russian Federation and world are for better"

Kadyrov addresses Muslims around the world in Chinese

Military commissar says Russians would serve twice as long

Russian Orthodox manuals, St George's ribbons and Communist Party membership cards: Ukraine’s Security Service reports back on its searches of Moscow-linked churches

Security Service of Ukraine conducts searches at premises owned by Communist and One Rus parties in three cities

Russian citizen fined for Instagram post of his dream about Zelenskyy

Putin cancels annual press conference for the first time in 10 years

Paper chain featuring Zelenskyy is hung on Christmas tree in Tver, Russia

Ukrainian Defence Intelligence Chief's opinion: Russian propagandists are preparing Russia for defeat, as it is a foregone conclusion

Kremlin orders New Year celebrations to be kept low-key and include reminders of occupiers’ "heroism"

Ukraine’s authorities explain why Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is banned: it is dangerous for health and life

UOC-MP Archbishop notified of suspicion for justifying Crimea’s annexation

European Commission warns Elon Musk against allowing Putin's propaganda on Twitter

Ukraine's Security Service inspects convent and find calls for "Mother Russia to awaken"

Russian Foreign Minister imagined OSCE helps aim strikes on Luhansk and Donetsk

Ukraine’s Permanent Representative to UN suggests Russia be called Muscovy

Russian prisoners sent to factory to build tanks

Russian propagandists suggest prosecuting emigrants for criticising authorities and promote bringing back executions to Russia

Information about new offensive from Belarus is fake, intended to spread panic

Putin on war deaths: 30,000 people die in road accidents and from alcohol in Russia

Russians attempt broadcasting radio propaganda in Kharkiv region

Militants in Luhansk promise free education to students who survive the war

Russian propagandists ordered to forget the word "Kherson"

Kuleba calls for a complete ban on Russian propaganda resources for inciting genocide

Depression on the rise in Russia - because of mobilisation rather than war

Zelenskyy instructs Danilov to block pro-Russian website

Security Service of Ukraine opens investigation into glorification of Russia at Kyiv monastery

Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls upon Serbia not to broadcast Russia Today channel that justifies genocide of Ukrainians