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Russian troops urge collaborators to kidnap kids

Thursday, 24 March 2022, 19:54

Thursday, 24 March 2022, 20:54

In Kharkiv region, Russian aggressors are urging collaborators to kidnap children.

Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs on Telegram


Verbatim: ‘In an area of Kharkiv region occupied by Russian troops, aggressors are talking collaborators into kidnapping in order to terrorise locals.  

According to operational units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, some individuals who agreed to work for the aggressors have kidnapped children of a civilian from a town in Kharkiv region.’

Details: Russian soldiers got the information that a local had some firearms collected at the scene of the fighting, and sent collaborators to clarify the situation. 

The culprits didn’t find the owner at home and, therefore, having agreed it with Russian officers, took away his two underage sons. 

The children’s father was at that time in another settlement where he had gone to pick up some humanitarian aid to feed his six-month-old grandson. 

Verbatim from Ministry of Internal Affairs: ‘Aggressors’ minions started blackmailing the man on the phone. He admitted finding one assault rifle, which he was ready to give away for his children. The aggressor’s minions said they were ready to exchange only one kid for one assault rifle, otherwise they would have to negotiate.

This is yet another example of Russia violating the rule of the war and grossly violates the norms of international law, and the crimes committed by the Russian federation are coequal to Hitler’s crimes!’ 
