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Kuleba: No consensus with Russia on four points mentioned by Erdogan

Friday, 25 March 2022, 15:17
Kuleba: No consensus with Russia on four points mentioned by Erdogan

Iryna Balachuk, Roman Kravets — Friday, 25 March 2022, 16:17

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that as of 25 March, there is no consensus with Russia on the four points of negotiations mentioned by the President of Turkey.

Source: Kuleba in comments to Ukrainska Pravda


Quote from Kuleba: "There is no consensus with Russia regarding the four points mentioned by the Turkish president. In particular, the only state language in Ukraine is Ukrainian and will remain so. And in general the classification of key negotiation topics into four points, or any other number, is inappropriate."

According to Kuleba, the Ukrainian delegation has taken a strong stance and is not backing down from its demands.

The minister stressed that Ukraine is insisting first and foremost on a ceasefire and on guarantees of security and of Ukraine’s territorial integrity.


He expressed gratitude to the Turkish party and to President Erdogan for their political and humanitarian aid, as well as for their diplomatic efforts to end Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Kuleba noted that Ukraine will continue its dialogue with Turkey and all interested parties in order to restore peace on Ukrainian soil.

"We hope that Turkey, as a friend and strategic partner of Ukraine, will also continue with its support on all tracks. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that imposing new sanctions on Russia and strengthening Ukraine's defence capabilities are equally important factors to stop the Russian war machine and achieve the desired progress in the negotiations. This tripartite strategy - sanctions, military support, negotiations - should not be called into question by anyone", Kuleba concluded.

