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Kyiv Military Administration: Russian troops entered Slavutych, kidnapped the Mayor, and fired on a demonstration

Saturday, 26 March 2022, 09:50
Kyiv Military Administration: Russian troops entered Slavutych, kidnapped the Mayor, and fired on a demonstration

Iryna Balachuk – Saturday, 26 March 2022, 10:50

On 26 March, Russian troops entered Slavutych, the satellite city of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant, kidnapped the Mayor, and while firing their weapons into the air, threw stun grenades at peaceful protesters that had gathered to protest the Russian occupation.

Source: Oleksandr Pavliuk, Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, on Telegram


According to Pavliuk: "Russian occupiers entered the city of Slavutych and seized the local hospital. According to the latest information, Mayor of Slavutych Yuri Fomichev has been kidnapped by the invaders."

Details: Pavliuk stated that all city council staff continue their work.

Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration also noted that Russian troops shot their weapons into the air on the square where local residents had gathered for a peaceful protest; they also threw stun grenades into the crowd.


Pavliuk underscored that the local residents are not dispersing. To the contrary, the crowd is growing. People are heading for the hospital which has been captured by the occupiers.

Earlier: On the morning of 26 March, Slavutych residents gathered for a pro-Ukrainian protest bearing national symbols. The crowd assembled in the main square, unfurled a big state flag and chanted "Slavutych is Ukraine!" and "Glory to Ukraine!"


  • On 18 March, Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Pavliuk reported that Slavutych was completely cut off from supplies, and that it was running low on food supplies in particular.
  • On 23 March, Russian troops fired on a checkpoint in the city of Slavutych in the Kyiv region. Mayor Yuri Fomichev reported that Russian troops have not advanced on the city, but it is understood that "the enemy is near." He added that the city was at the time blockaded and it was impossible to leave.
