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Zhytomyr region: windows shatter in missile strike on Chudnov

Wednesday, 13 April 2022, 15:57
Zhytomyr region: windows shatter in missile strike on Chudnov

Denys Karlovskyi – Wednesday, 13 April 2022, 15:21

Russian occupying troops carried out a missile strike on Chudnov in the Zhytomyr region; windows shattered and doors blew out in private houses and apartment buildings on the town’s outskirts.

Source: National Police of Ukraine in the Zhytomyr region on Facebook


Details: On the night of 12-13 April police responded to a call from the village in a Chudnov territorial community.

Window frames and doors blew out in private houses and high-rise apartment buildings in the wake of the explosion of Russian missiles.

Law enforcement officers recorded the consequences of the shelling and initiated proceedings under criminal part 3 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code: Encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine.
