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At the time of the attack on Kramatorsk station, there were 4,000 people there, most of them women and children

Friday, 8 April 2022, 13:49
At the time of the attack on Kramatorsk station, there were 4,000 people there, most of them women and children


4,000 civilians were at the Kramatorsk railway station at the time of the Russian missile strike on April 8. 

Source: the press service of the Office of the Prosecutor General, on Telegram


Quote: "At the time, people were being evacuated and there were almost 4,000 civilians at the station, most of them women and children.

According to preliminary information, dozens of people were killed and injured. Full information on the victims of the invaders’ attack and on damage to infrastructure is still being obtained". 

Details: Law enforcement officers and rescuers are working at the scene. 


Under the procedural guidance of the Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation has been launched [with a view to initiating - ed.] criminal proceedings for violating the laws and customs of war.


On 8 April, the Russian invaders attacked a railway station in Kramatorsk with the "Tochka U" (ballistic missile system - ed.). The rocket hit the temporary waiting room, where there were people waiting for the evacuation train. 

According to the Security Service of Ukraine, 39 people are reported to have died, including 4 children. Hundreds of people were injured.
