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Ukrainian Chief Intelligence Directorate: The Russian army openly refuses to fight in Ukraine, Federal Security Service of RF is spying

Wednesday, 18 May 2022, 12:53


Ukrainian intelligence officers state that Russian occupiers are increasingly refusing to carry out the orders of the command to conduct active offensive operations on the territory of Ukraine. 

Source: Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (CID)


Details: According to the military intelligence of Ukraine, several units of the 70th guard motorised rifle regiment have already openly refused to take part in the war and demanded to return to their places of permanent deployment.

.According to the Chief Intelligence Directorate, unit commanders are trying in every way to conceal the facts of disobedience.

Quote of Chief Intelligence Directorate: "The most active soldiers who demand to return to the territory of Russia were sent to the most dangerous part of the front, with a hope for their quick death.


In order to identify and neutralise the initiators of the refusal to take part in the war, the FSB unit of the 58th Combined Arms Army decided to reinforce the units of the 70th regiment with their freelance agents and informants."

Details: Chief Intelligence Directorate published the list of personnel of the 70th guard motorised rifle regiment of the 42nd motorised rifle division of the 58th general army of the Southern Military District of RF (military base 71718), which is deployed in the town of Shali in the Chechen Republic.
