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The occupiers want to demolish Azovstal

Wednesday, 18 May 2022, 14:32
The occupiers want to demolish Azovstal

Denis Pushylin, the leader of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic" ("DPR"), has stated that the occupiers want to build a technology park, or just a park area, on the site of the Azovstal steelworks, which the occupiers are trying to wipe off the map.

Source: Kremlin-aligned Russian news agency RIA Novosti; Mariupol City Council on Telegram

Details: The leader of the militants also stated that the city of Mariupol "will be rebuilt with an emphasis on the resort business". Pushylin said he hoped Russia would help the occupying authorities with this.


The leader of the "DPR" has previously stated that he plans to make Mariupol, which has been destroyed by the Russians, into a resort.

Mariupol City Council, meanwhile, said that the "DPR" plans to demolish Azovstal.

The reason why the occupiers would do this, say the city authorities, is that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will soon have the forces to deoccupy Mariupol. That’s why "the Russians are pre-emptively destroying an industrial complex that is important to Ukraine" and also want to erase any reminder of the Ukrainian soldiers’ heroic deed. 


Mariupol City Council emphasises that the occupiers have no interest in the restoration and development of Mariupol, as for them it’s just territory for the corridor to Crimea. 

At the same time, the city authorities reminded us that Azovstal is a unique full-cycle metals complex which provided employment for 10,000 people, brought in billions of dollars in foreign exchange earnings and taxes, and produced 7,000 tonnes of high-quality steel, 6 million tonnes of pig iron, and 4.5 million tonnes of rolled metal.

Details: According to Serhii Orlov, Deputy Mayor of Mariupol, Russian bombs have destroyed 80-90% of the city. Russian troops continue to shell and bomb Azovstal every day, but the Ukrainian defenders are still holding the line.
