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5:5 swap: Ukraine secures the release of civilians captured by Russians in Kyiv region

Saturday, 18 June 2022, 17:47
5:5 swap: Ukraine secures the release of civilians captured by Russians in Kyiv region


On 18 June, another exchange of prisoners of war took place with the occupiers: five Ukrainian civilians returned home. Four of them had been captured by the Russian military in Kyiv Oblast.

Source: Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine


Quote from the Chief Intelligence Directorate: "Today, the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War conducted another five-for-five exchange. Five citizens of Ukraine returned home.

It is noted that all those released were civilians who had been illegally detained by the Russian occupying forces. Four of the civilians were taken prisoner by the occupiers during the fighting in Kyiv Oblast, three of them during the occupation of Hostomel."

Details: The body of one deceased defender of Ukraine was also returned.


At 7:55 p.m., the GUR announced that five civilians illegally held by the occupiers as prisoners were already in Ukrainian-controlled territory.


On 17 June, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported that the Ukrainian paramedic Yulia Paievska (Taira), who had been captured by Russian occupiers in Mariupol in mid-March, had been released from captivity.

Some of the bodies of the fallen defenders of Mariupol from Azovstal have been returned to Ukraine.

In total, there have been several exchanges of prisoners of war and bodies [of fallen defenders] between Ukraine and the Russian invaders.
