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Russians hit the centre of Vinnytsia with rockets, there are fatalities and casualties

Thursday, 14 July 2022, 10:55
Russians hit the centre of Vinnytsia with rockets, there are fatalities and casualties


In Vinnytsia, explosions and fires occurred as a result of a Russian missile strike on the city centre; 20 are dead and 25 wounded people.

Source: correspondent of Ukrainska Pravda; local residents on Telegram channels; Serhii Borzov, head of Vinnytsia Oblast State Administration (Oblast Military Administration); National Police of Ukraine 


Details: According to various sources, there were either 2, 3, or 4 explosions.

A missile hit the area of the city centre, smoke is rising over the city.

Head of Vinnytsia Oblast Serhii Borzov confirmed at 11:20: "We have had a missile ‘arrival’ in Vinnytsia."


4 missiles have been shot down over the oblast by air defence forces, he added.

The head of the National Police of Ukraine, Ihor Klymenko, reported preliminary information: "3 Russian rockets hit a building with office premises. The Officers' House and nearby residential buildings have also been damaged."

It is currently known that 6 are injured and 20 were killed, including a small child.


Ракетний удар по центру Вінниці

A fire broke out at the site of the strike, and spread to a parking lot, where about 50 cars are now burning. Firefighters are working to extinguish the fire.

Klymenko sent a specialised investigative and operational group of the Main Investigative Department of the National Police and a forensic laboratory to Vinnytsia.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also reacted to the rocket attacks on Vinnytsia and has shared a video of the consequences.

As of 10:24, an air-raid alarm was announced in most regions of Ukraine.

