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Occupiers to search for and detain "terrorists" following Nova Kakhovka attack

Friday, 15 July 2022, 18:09
Occupiers to search for and detain terrorists following Nova Kakhovka attack


In the temporarily occupied Kakhovskyi district of Kherson Oblast, the occupation authorities have permitted the detention of those suspected of "terrorist activities" for up to 72 hours.

Source: an order issued by Vladimir Leontiev, the so-called "Head of the Temporary Administration of the District", reported on Russian Interfax


Quote: "Regarding suspects, measures shall be established to restrict their freedom for up to 72 hours at the discretion of representatives of law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who implement the access regime."

Details: This same order strengthens the occupation access regime at "state facilities and municipal institutions", and checkpoints.

It is emphasised that citizens will be searched for evidence of any involvement in terrorist activities in the district.

Interfax reports that the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked Nova Kakhovka on 11 and 13 July.


  • Late in the evening on 11 July, Ukraine hit ammunition depots in occupied Nova Kakhovka. Eyewitnesses published photos and videos of huge explosions in the city.  
  • According to satellite images, workshops at the Ukrhydromekh plant and another large hangar nearby were blown up in Nova Kakhovka on the night of 12 July.
