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Ukrainian wins bronze in the high jump at the World Championships, having survived occupation in the Kherson region

Tuesday, 19 July 2022, 09:01

TUESDAY, 19 JULY 2022, 09:01

Ukraine has won its first medal at the 2022 World Athletics Championships: high jumper Andriy Protsenko, who represents the Kherson region, has won bronze.

Source: Suspilne


Details: This is Ukraine's first medal at the World Championships and the first medal in Protsenko's career at the World Championships.

34-year-old Protsenko has been one of the world leaders in high jump for the last decade, but only at the 2022 World Championships did he qualify and reach the finals for the first time in his career. The Ukrainian is competing at the World Championships for the seventh time, but on all previous occasions, he did not pass the qualifying stage.

In the qualification round, Protsenko jumped 2.30 m – his best result of the season. 

In the final itself, the athlete, who spent 40 days under occupation in the Kherson region at the beginning of 2022, was able to improve on this result.

Andriy Protsenko started from a height of 2.19 m and took it on the second attempt. Then he successfully overcame 2.24 m, and he had the biggest problem with the bar at 2.27 m – the Ukrainian took it only on the third jump.

He became one of ten jumpers who passed the height of 2.30 m and was able to take it on the first attempt.

This jump gave Protsenko a certain advantage in attempts because only five athletes took the bar of 2.30 m, not all of them on the first attempt.

The next height was 2.33 m – Andriy Protsenko also took it on the first attempt. Only he and Mutaz Barshim were able to conquer this bar the first time. It was taken by Gianmarco Tamberi on the second attempt, and by the Korean Woo Sanghyuk on the third.

Protsenko did not take the bar at 2.35 m in two attempts, while Barshim and Sanhyok conquered it. However, Tamberi did not use all three of his attempts, and as a result, he failed to overtake the Ukrainian in attempts.

Andriy transferred the last jump to a bar of 2.37 m, and was close but did not take it. Therefore, with a result of 2.33 m, the Ukrainian won the bronze in the World Championship.

Sakhnyok once unsuccessfully jumped 2.37 m and transferred two attempts to 2.39 m – also unsuccessfully. He remained the silver medalist in the World Championships.

Mutaz Barshim became the champion: the Qatari took all bars on the first attempt (2.24 m, 2.27 m, 2.30 m, 2.33 m, 2.35 m, 2.37 m). Left alone in the sector, Barshim ordered a height of 2.42 m (World Championship record), but he did not take it on the first attempt, after which he stopped the competition.

High jump: men’s final

  1. Mutaz Barshim (Qatar) – 2.37 m
  2. Woo Sanhyok (Republic of Korea) – 2.35 m
  3. Andriy Protsenko (Ukraine) – 2.33 m
  4. Gianmarco Tamberi (Italy) – 2.33 m.
