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Alexander Lukashenko: Our involvement in Russia's "special operation" has been defined for a long time

Sunday, 3 July 2022, 11:51
Alexander Lukashenko: Our involvement in Russia's special operation has been defined for a long time


Self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that a single army has long been created in the Union of Belarus and Russia and that he "long ago determined" Belarus's  participation in the Russian war against Ukraine.

Source Belarusian state publication BelTA with reference to Lukashenko's speech at the wreath-laying ceremony at the Mound of Glory memorial complex on the occasion of the Independence Day of Belarus on July 3


Lukashenko's quote: "We are the only country that supports the Russians in this struggle. Those who reproach us, did you not know that we have the closest alliance with the Russian Federation? With a state with which we are building a single, powerful, independent state – a Union state. Where there are two independent nations in the Union.

And that they didn't know that we had created a single group of armed forces in the union of Belarus and Russia for a long time? In fact, a unified army. You knew all this, so why are you reproaching us today? We were and will continue to be together with fraternal Russia. Our participation in the "special operation" was determined by me a long time ago."

Details: Lukashenko said that on the first day of Russia's attack on Ukraine, he allegedly said that Belarusians "will not allow anyone to shoot a Russian man in the back."


According to him, Belarusians "took up the defence from the Brest Fortress to the southern borders in order to prevent this stab in the back of the Russians by NATO troops."

Lukashenko believes that NATO has increased the number of armed forces in Eastern Europe "tenfold… to fight." And Belarus, according to him, "must withstand… and win."


Earlier, Lukashenko accused Ukraine of launching missiles on the territory of Belarus and ordered his military to "target" decision-making centres in the capitals of Minsk's opponents.
