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Reznikov has revealed how many soldiers defend Ukraine

Friday, 8 July 2022, 18:02
Reznikov has revealed how many soldiers defend Ukraine


At the moment due to mobilisation up to 700 thousand soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 90 thousand servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, nearly 60 thousand border guards and 100 thousand servicemen of the National Police are deployed.

Source: Oleksii Reznikov, the Minister of Defence of Ukraine, during an conference "Let’s build together" ("Buduiemo razom"), as reported by Ukrinfrom


Details: Reznikov has reported that over a million people in uniform work for the sake of security and defence of Ukraine and called upon businesses to support this sector and invest into it more actively.

He has also stated that due to military action, Ukraine has become a certain kind of a polygon where new kinds of armament and innovations are being used.

 "Today Ukraine is a huge polygon where tests will be conducted. This means there will be demand for new technologies, innovations and suggestions. There is already a real demand for joint enterprises, even if at first they will be located in the Eastern Europe countries or in the protected places in the West of Ukraine", – claimed Reznikov.


He has stated that the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine is making sure Ukraine is supplied with modern armament and equipment of the NATO model such as artillery, armoured vehicles and weapons which will be in need of repairs and renovation.

Therefore creating bases of spare parts renovation, equipment components, and even cartridge factories is topical nowadays.

Background: On July 6 Oleksii Danilov, head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, reported that nearly a million citizens are gaining combat experience at the moment.
