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Luhansk Oblast: Russian forces focus efforts on Bakhmut front

Tuesday, 2 August 2022, 08:51
Luhansk Oblast: Russian forces focus efforts on Bakhmut front


Despite suffering significant losses, Russian occupying forces are continuing to mount an offensive on Bakhmut (Donetsk Oblast) from Popasna (Luhansk Oblast).

Source: Serhii Haidai, head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram


Quote: "The Russians have sustained significant losses, but they continue to doggedly mount an offensive on Bakhmut from Popasna. But the route to Bakhmut lies via the Luhansk Oblast and the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ robust defences."

Details: Haidai has stressed that the Russians’ offensive has not been successful so far, which is why morale among the Russian troops is low.


He noted that Russian occupying forces are losing manpower and equipment during their numerous daily assaults and that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been successfully using the newly supplied long-range artillery to target Russian ammunition depots.


On 1 August, Russian forces conducted two powerful missile strikes (launching a total of eight missiles) and four airstrikes on the towns and villages in Luhansk Oblast.

Russian forces used artillery seven times, used mortars twice, and deployed tanks to attack Luhansk Oblast.


Usually, Russian occupying forces conduct assault operations immediately following several hours of artillery fire.

Haidai said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled seven such assault operations over the course of Monday, 1 August, forcing the Russians to retreat.

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