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Azov fighters record congratulations on Independence Day on island of Khortytsia

Wednesday, 24 August 2022, 12:41
Azov fighters record congratulations on Independence Day on island of Khortytsia


Soldiers of the Azov Regiment recorded congratulations on Independence Day on the island of Khortytsia in Zaporizhzhia. 

Source: Azov on Telegram


Quote: "Our nation has become more conscious and, therefore stronger, to finally give a crushing answer and forever punish age-old criminals for everything they have done over the centuries.

Now every shot in our direction adds even more determination. We are sure that the time loop of Moscow's vandal raids on the modern world is destined to be broken by us, the Ukrainians.

The task is not easy, but we will win!

This is said by the soldiers of the very Azov Regiment who escaped from the hell of Azovstal, where they wanted to destroy us. Bloody and mean. But from these ashes the steely spirit was reborn.

Now Azov is in each of us. Azov is the whole of Ukraine."

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