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In the liberated cities of Izium and Kupiansk three female collaborators were detained

Thursday, 15 September 2022, 12:33
In the liberated cities of Izium and Kupiansk three female collaborators were detained
Photo: State Investigation Bureau of Ukraine


The State Investigation Bureau of Ukraine detained the collaborators who worked for the Russian occupiers in the liberated cities of Izium and Kupiansk.

Source: State Inverstigation Bureau of Ukraine


Quote: "In the liberated city of Izium two traitors who used to work in law enforcement were detained.

A local tax office official continued to work in the Russian occupying administration after the war started. She worked in recruitment for the occupying city council of Izium and provided the occupiers with the information about the local patriots of Ukraine".

Details: Reportedly the woman was always present at mass gatherings and proudly told the pro-Kremlin propagandists how good her life has become after the occupiers came. Videos with her were being broadcasted on Russian television channels.

The other female collaborator became a member of the so-called "people’s militia" and was convincing her former colleagues from the Izium police station to start working for the occupiers. She also showed the occupiers where all the city government bodies were located.

Another citizen of Ukraine worked in the taxing structure of the occupiers in Kupiansk. The woman was taxing locals for the benefit of the Russian occupiers.

The State Investigation Bureau of Ukraine stated that all three women are being accused of treason (Article 111 part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The corresponding punishment is life imprisonment with confiscation of property. 

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