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Deputy puppet governor of Berdiansk killed along with wife responsible for preparations for "referendum"

Friday, 16 September 2022, 14:11
Deputy puppet governor of Berdiansk killed along with wife responsible for preparations for referendum


Oleh Boiko, the deputy of the so-called "head of the administration" of the occupied city of Berdiansk, was killed together with his wife who chaired the election commission that prepared the so-called "referendum" [a trumped-up voting that would aim to legitimise the merging of the occupied territory with Russia].

Source: [Russian agency] Interfax, citing the occupying "administration" of Berdiansk


Quote: "Oleh Boiko, Deputy Head of the Berdiansk military-civilian administration for housing and utility services, and his wife, Liudmyla Boiko who headed the city's territorial election commission for the referendum, were killed in their garage."

Details: Collaborator Volodymyr Rohov claims that the incident happened in the city’s Koloniia neighbourhood. The occupiers haven’t revealed the details of the murder yet.


  • On 26 August, Oleksandr Koliesnikov, the so-called "deputy head of the traffic police", died of shrapnel wounds in occupied Berdiansk.
  • In September, Artem Bardin, the so-called "commandant" of the Russian-occupied city of Berdiansk, lost both of his legs as his car exploded in the city centre.

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