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Office of President of Ukraine announces conditions under which negotiations with Russia may resume

Saturday, 1 October 2022, 15:58
Office of President of Ukraine announces conditions under which negotiations with Russia may resume


Negotiations with the Russian Federation may resume on the condition that the Russian army leaves the entire territory of Ukraine, including Crimea.

Source: Ukraine’s President’s Office, citing an interview of Mykhailo Podoliak, adviser to the Head of the President’s Office, to Italian outlet La Repubblica


Quote from Podoliak: "Russia does not want to negotiate – it only launches ultimatums. If the Russian army leaves the entire territory of Ukraine, including Crimea, the negotiations could resume".

Details: Podoliak also emphasised that neither Russia's announcement of the annexation of occupied Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts nor the sham referendums held in these territories will change anything for Ukraine. According to Podoliak, these regions were and will remain Ukrainian, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces will fight to liberate them.

Speaking of the Russian threats on using nuclear weapons, Podoliak noted that the chances of a nuclear conflict are low, but they do exist.


According to him, if the world allows a complete collapse of international nuclear security, Ukraine will not be the only one to suffer catastrophic consequences.

Under such conditions, a global response to a possible nuclear attack will have to be given, in particular, within the EU and NATO, the President’s Office representative is convinced.


  • Earlier on 30 September, during the sham and legally invalid "signing of agreements on accession to Russia", Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that he had wanted to end hostilities and "bring Ukraine back to the negotiating table".
  • President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine is ready for negotiations with Russia, but only with another president of the Russian Federation, not with Vladimir Putin.

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