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Explosion from Shahed kamikaze drone in Chernihiv, 2 Russian missiles shot down over Kipti, Chernihiv Oblast

Wednesday, 19 October 2022, 15:00
Explosion from Shahed kamikaze drone in Chernihiv, 2 Russian missiles shot down over Kipti, Chernihiv Oblast


A Shahed-136 kamikaze drone has triggered an explosion in Chernihiv, although Ukrainian defenders had previously shot down two missiles near the village of Kipti in Chernihiv Oblast.

Source: Viacheslav Chaus, Head of Chernihiv Oblast Military Administration; Operational Command Pivnich (North); Suspilne Chernihiv [Ukrainian public broadcaster]


Quote from Chaus: "We have a Shahed drone explosion in Chernihiv. Anti-aircraft defences have been deployed". 

Details: Chaus reported the explosion at 14:50 and asked [residents] to stay in shelters.

Earlier, Operational Command Pivnich (North) reported that the Armed Forces located in Chernihiv Oblast had shot down two rockets over Kipti.


At the same time, air defences are reported to have been deployed in Kyiv Oblast, explosions are rocking Kyiv, Vinnytsia Oblast is under rocket fire, and explosions are also being heard in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast.

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