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Explosion near "FSB Office" in Melitopol and nighttime explosions near railway bridge

Tuesday, 25 October 2022, 08:49
Explosion near FSB Office in Melitopol and nighttime explosions near railway bridge
Explosion near TV company in Melitopol, screenshot from RIA Novosti video


Approximately seven explosions rang out in the village of Svitlodolynske in Melitopol district [occupied part of Zaporizhzhia Oblast - ed.] overnight, and in the morning there was a powerful explosion in the city of Melitopol itself, near the television company building.

Source: Ivan Fedorov, Mayor of Melitopol; Russian Kremlin-aligned news outlets TASS and RIA Novosti 


Quote from Fedorov: "The occupiers are restless in Melitopol district again. Last night was heated for them in the village of Svitlodolynske in Melitopol district. Locals counted approximately seven powerful explosions. They had seen smoke rising from near a railway bridge. We hope that the invaders have one less way to transport equipment now."

Details: Meanwhile, the Russian occupation administration had already announced in the morning that a powerful explosion had occurred in Melitopol.

A source told RIA Novosti that a car exploded near the Zaporizhzhia TV company building in Melitopol.

Vladimir Rogov, a collaborator, told Russian reporters that a homemade device exploded near the Zaporizhzhia Oblast television company ZaTV in Melitopol. He called it a "terrorist attack".

The occupiers claim that 5 people were injured as a result of the explosion: ZaMedia employees and other civilians.

At the same time, Ivan Fedorov, the legal mayor of Melitopol, reported that the explosion occurred near the office of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), located in the building which belongs to Evgeniy Balitskiy, a Russian-appointed puppet head [of Zaporizhzhia Oblast].

Fedorov reported that a car exploded near the building from which the Russian media is being rebroadcast.

The occupiers estimate the force of the explosion to have been the equivalent of 1.5-2 kg TNT.

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