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Ukrainian Parliament calls on international community to support the self-determination of Russia's Indigenous Peoples

Thursday, 6 October 2022, 19:50
Ukrainian Parliament calls on international community to support the self-determination of Russia's Indigenous Peoples


The Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine’s parliament – ed.] has appealed to the international community to support the right to self-determination of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation.

Source: Ukrinform


Details: 322 Ukrainian MPs voted for Resolution No. 8105. The appeal emphasises that by implementing its aggressive imperialist policy, Russia has been committing genocide of enslaved peoples for centuries, ignoring the principle of equality and self-determination of peoples, and grossly violating the rights of indigenous peoples and citizens who belong to national minorities.

It is noted that even in the war of conquest being waged against Ukraine, the Russian authorities are carrying out genocide of peoples of the Russian Federation, specifically, using mobilisation for this purpose.

The Verkhovna Rada expresses its support for the inalienable right of the peoples of the Russian Federation to self-determination, in accordance with the UN Charter and the generally recognised norms and principles of international law.


The parliament calls on the international community to take all necessary measures to stop the Kremlin regime's persecution of leaders and members of the national liberation movements of the peoples of the Russian Federation; stop the practice of deportation and internal displacement of Russian citizens to distort the ethnic composition of the regions of the Russian Federation; unquestioningly guarantee the citizens of the Russian Federation the right to free expression of views, opinions, participation in peaceful assemblies, freedom of association, freedom of conscience and religion; and ensure the free development of traditions and cultural identity of the peoples of Russia.

In addition, the parliament calls for strengthening full support for Ukraine for its victory in the Russian-Ukrainian war, followed by the de-imperialisation of the Russian Federation and the decolonisation of the peoples that are annexed to and held among its entities.

Furthermore, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a statement in response to the criminal decisions made by the Russian leadership regarding the attempted annexation of temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions of Ukraine, with an appeal to the international community.

Resolution No. 8091 was supported by 315 parliamentarians.

In the text, the Verkhovna Rada appeals to the United Nations, the European Union and NATO, the parliaments and governments of every state in the world, international organisations, and all people of good will with several demands.

In particular, the Parliament calls for a condemnation of the sham referendums held by the Russian Federation to annex the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, increasing the pressure of sanctions’ on Russia and Russian officials, and recognising the Russian Federation as a state sponsor of terrorism and imposing sanctions provided for state sponsor of terrorism, including a complete embargo on energy trade with public and private companies affiliated with the Russian Federation, and disconnecting all Russian financial institutions from the SWIFT system.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine also calls for supporting the desire of the Ukrainian people for the country to gain membership in the European Union and NATO as soon as possible.

Background: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Russia uses mobilisation to exterminate Indigenous Peoples in occupied Crimea and the Caucasus, Siberia and other territories of the Russian Federation.

Zelenskyy calls on Russia's Indigenous Peoples to fight against the current government, which takes citizens to war in Ukraine.

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