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Russians attack Ukrainian natural gas production facilities and PA Pivdenmash

Thursday, 17 November 2022, 09:38
Russians attack Ukrainian natural gas production facilities and PA Pivdenmash

Denys Shmyhal, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, has reported that Russia is carrying out strikes on Ukrainian natural gas production facilities and on the Pivdennyi (Southern) Machine-Building Plant (PA Pivdenmash) in Dnipro.

Source: Denys Shmyhal during Kyiv International Economic Forum on 17 November

Quote: "In the first days, we were predicted to be defeated literally in days, but after a week we still persevered. Nine months later, we have learned to live with struggle.


Rockets are now flying over Kyiv, our gas production is being bombed, our companies in Dnipro and Pivdenmash are being bombed. But despite all this, we understand how to restrain the occupiers".

Details: Oleksii Chernyshov, Director of Naftogaz Ukraine [Ukraine’s state oil and gas production company], later reported that on Thursday, 17 November, Russian forces shelled a gas production facility in southern Ukraine, operated by UkrGasVydobuvannya [Ukraine’s largest state-owned gas producer]. As a result of these strikes, several facilities were destroyed and several more damaged.

Reference: The Pivdennyi (Southern) Machine-Building Plant in Dnipro is an enterprise that produces rocket and space equipment, as well as technology for defence, scientific and national economic purposes.

Background: Two infrastructure facilities in the city of Dnipro have been damaged as a result of a Russian missile strike on the morning of 17 November.


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