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Joint exercises of Russian Federation and Belarus continue at a distance from the border with Ukraine

Monday, 12 December 2022, 11:21
Joint exercises of Russian Federation and Belarus continue at a distance from the border with Ukraine

Joint Russian-Belarusian exercises are being conducted at the training grounds of the Republic of Belarus, far from the border with Ukraine.

Source: Andrii Demchenko, Spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, on the air of the 24/7 national joint newscast on 12 December

Details: Demchenko pointed out that there is currently no formation of a battlegroup of either Russian or Belarusian units. 


Joint exercises of Russians and Belarusians, which have already been repeatedly extended in terms, continue deep into the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Quote: "Fortunately, they [exercises - ed.] do not take place near the border; rather, they take place at training grounds in the territory deep into Belarus. Our intelligence is monitoring the development of the situation and the actions (of the Union forces - ed.) to understand what threat they may pose to our country in the future...

There is no such threat that ‘today there would already be some kind of invasion on any front’. But, of course, we must be prepared for anything and the strengthening (of Ukrainian positions) is taking place along the entire length of the border with Belarus."


Previously: The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believes that an invasion of Ukraine by the Belarusian army is extraordinarily unlikely.

Powerful electronic warfare systems are being used within Belarus to make it difficult for Ukraine to monitor the situation on the border, as well as to launch provocations against the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


  • In late November, the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine did not observe the creation of a powerful offensive group in Belarus, similar to the one that was deployed in January-February 2022.
  • In early December, Serhii Naiev, Lieutenant General and the Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, stated that Ukrainian defenders were preparing for a due response for the accumulation of hostile troops in Belarus. 

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