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Belarus is suddenly checking combat readiness of its armed forces

Tuesday, 13 December 2022, 12:42
Belarus is suddenly checking combat readiness of its armed forces

Belarus has started to suddenly check the combat readiness of its army on the instructions of self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. 

Source: Ministry of Defence of Belarus; Belaruski Hajun, the independent Belarusian military monitoring media outlet 

Quote: "On the instruction of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, under the leadership of the State Secretariat of the Security Council, a sudden check of combat readiness has been started.


The measures will be complex; the troops will have to advance to the designated areas as soon as possible, implement their engineering equipment, organise security and defence, as well as establish bridge crossings over the Niman and Berezina rivers.

During this period, the movement of military equipment and personnel is planned, while there will be a temporary restriction on the movement of citizens and transport on certain public roads and areas."

Details: Independent Belarusian military monitoring media outlet Belaruski Hajun emphasises that the Niman and Berezina rivers are located near the border with Ukraine.


It also published a map with the approximate location of rivers on the territory of Belarus and marked the training grounds that are located near these rivers.

The media outlet also reports that similar inspections have already been carried out on 4 May and 11 October, 2022.

Updated: Belaruski Hajun also reports that Belarus is deploying troops to the border with Ukraine.

In particular, units of the 38th Separate Air Assault Brigade (38th Separate Air Assault Brigade, Brest) are moving southeast of Brest along the P17 highway to the town of Maloryta/Mokrany.

These towns are 20 and 4 kilometres from the Ukrainian border, respectively. 

Quote: "The convoy consists of at least 25 BTR-80 armoured personnel carriers, about 30 MAZ trucks with personnel and equipment, three 120-mm mortars 2B23 Nona-M1 towed by MZKT Volat, two fuel tankers, a command and staff vehicle R-145BM, two communication vehicles, at least five vehicles of the Border Guard Service of Belarus, an ambulance and two field kitchens."


  • In late November, the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine did not observe the creation of a powerful offensive group in Belarus, similar to the one that was deployed in January-February 2022.
  • In early December, Serhii Naiev, Lieutenant General and the Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, stated that Ukrainian defenders were preparing for a due response for the accumulation of hostile troops in Belarus. 
  • On 12 December, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported that joint Russian-Belarusian exercises are being conducted at the training grounds of the Republic of Belarus, far from the border with Ukraine.

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