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Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces tells what he needs to reach borders of 23 February

Thursday, 15 December 2022, 13:40
Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces tells what he needs to reach borders of 23 February

Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, stated that Ukraine will be able to reach the borders as they were on 23 February if it has 300 tanks, approximately 700 infantry fighting vehicles and 500 howitzers. 

Source: Zaluzhnyi in an interview with The Economist

Quote from Zaluzhnyi: "I know that I can beat this enemy. But I need resources. I need 300 tanks, 600-700 infantry fighting vehicles, 500 Howitzers. Then, I think it is completely realistic to get to the borders of 23 February."


Details: The Commander-in-Chief has pointed out that "I get what I get, but it is less than what I need".

Zaluzhnyi has added that "with this kind of resources I can’t conduct new big operations", even though the Armed Forces of Ukraine are currently working on one of them. According to him, this operation "is on the way". 

While replying to a question whether the allies hold Ukraine back from the offensive to Crimea in any way, Zaluzhnyi has highlighted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine need to overcome the distance of 84 kilometres to the city of Melitopol in order to reach the Crimean borders. 


He has also said that it will be enough, as the liberation of Melitopol will give Ukraine full fire control over the land corridor to Crimea; the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to fire on the Isthmus of Perekop from HIMARS or anything else.

But in order to reach Melitopol, Ukraine needs resources, as Zaluzhnyi stressed. 

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