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Occupiers have taken more than 100,000 Ukrainian children from the east

Wednesday, 12 April 2023, 18:03
Occupiers have taken more than 100,000 Ukrainian children from the east

Russian invaders have taken more than 100,000 Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, deporting them on the pretext of "medical treatment".

Source: Ukraine’s National Resistance Center

Quote: "The occupiers continue to carry out forced ‘medical examinations’ for children in the temporarily occupied territories in order to have grounds for deporting Ukrainians.


The enemy plans to spend 1.4 billion roubles [approximately US$17.1 million – ed.] on a programme of ‘medical examinations’ carried out by specially brought-in doctors. After being examined, the vast majority of children are prescribed ‘medical treatment’ in the Russian Federation, which parents cannot refuse as they are then threatened with the deprivation of their parental rights."

Details: Since the beginning of the year, 75,000 children have reportedly undergone the so-called examination in Donetsk Oblast alone, and 39,000 of them were taken to Russia as a result.

In Luhansk Oblast, 94,000 children have been "examined", 66,000 of whom were "diagnosed with a health condition" and then taken away.


The Center noted that there have also been cases of doctors demanding money from parents in order not to "diagnose a health condition".

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