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Russian Foreign Ministry mentions Zelenskyy's grandfather and fantasises about what he would say to his grandson

Thursday, 27 April 2023, 12:40
Russian Foreign Ministry mentions Zelenskyy's grandfather and fantasises about what he would say to his grandson

Maria Zakharova, the press secretary for Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has mentioned the Ukrainian president's grandfather and imagined him talking to his grandson.

Source: a briefing by Zakharova

Quote: "Zelenskyy's grandfather fought against the ‘brown plague’ [the Nazis – ed.]. I'm scared to imagine what he would say to his grandson if he saw what is happening now."


Details: In Germany in the 1930s, national socialism was spreading. Its supporters wore brown shirts. This is the origin of the expression "brown plague", which symbolises Nazism, and "brownshirts", meaning the Nazis.

In 2020, the President of Ukraine told Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, the story of his family.

Quote from Zelenskyy: "This is the story of a family where there were four brothers. Three of them, as well as their parents and families, were victims of the Holocaust. They were shot by the German occupiers who invaded Ukraine.

The fourth brother survived. Then he went to the front [to fight]. He came back alive. He went through the Second World War, contributing to the victory over Nazism and its hateful ideology. Two years after the war, he had a son. And 31 years later, he had a grandson. After 40 years, the grandson became president. And today, he stands before you."

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