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Ukraine’s Human Rights Commissioner in disagreement with Deputy Prime Minister over Ukrainian citizens in occupied territories obtaining Russian passports

Tuesday, 2 May 2023, 20:07

Dmytro Lubinets, Ukraine’s Human Rights Commissioner, is in disagreement with Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk, who is responsible for the reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, as she has recently advised Ukrainians residing in the occupied territories to refrain from obtaining Russian passports.

Source: Interfax-Ukraine, citing Lubinets’s comment on the national 24/7 newscast

Quote from Lubinets: "I don’t know what the people who make claims like that are thinking about. I think – in fact, I know for sure – that a statement like that can be used against Ukraine in international courts. Because if we are urging people to remain the citizens of Ukraine, then we as a state are accepting responsibility for guaranteeing the rights of Ukrainian citizens on this territory."


Details: Lubinets further added that those who cannot flee from the occupied territories should not refuse Russian passports, because it could jeopardise their safety.

Previously: On 30 April, Lubinets advised Ukrainians on Russian-occupied territories to obtain Russian passports as a matter of survival.

Meanwhile, Iryna Vereshchuk called on residents of the temporarily occupied territories not to accept Russian passports and not to collaborate with Russian occupation forces.


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