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Russians hit car park in Balakliia with missile, injuring five people

Sunday, 7 May 2023, 10:12
Russians hit car park in Balakliia with missile, injuring five people
DEEPSTATEMAP, interactive open-source intelligence online map, primarily focusing on Russo-Ukrainian war

On Sunday morning, 7 May, the Russian occupiers launched a missile attack on the city of Balakliia, Izium district; five people have been injured.

Source: Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration

Details: The Oblast Military Administration reported that an S-300 missile hit the territory of a car park.


According to early reports, five civilians were injured.

Quote from Syniehubov: "Two 75-year-old women and one 50-year-old woman received explosive injuries. Two men, 20 and 85 years old, have relatively minor injuries.

Currently, doctors are providing the victims with all the necessary assistance."

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