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Security Service detains Belarusian spying on Ukraine's northern border

Friday, 2 June 2023, 12:03
Security Service detains Belarusian spying on Ukraine's northern border

In Rivne Oblast, a man who was leaking information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine to Belarusians was detained.

Source: Press services of Security Service of Ukraine and Rivne Oblast Prosecutor's Office

Details: The informant turned out to be a citizen of Belarus who has a permanent residence permit in Ukraine and has been living in Rivne Oblast for a long time.


At the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion, he was recruited by an employee of the Belarusian Committee for State Security (KGB). He carried out intelligence and subversive activities against Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine notes.

The agent's task was to collect data on the defenсe of the northern borders of our state and the routes of movement of military equipment.

Security Service officers detained a Russian accomplice at his residence during another attempt to transfer intelligence to Belarus.

It is established that he came to the attention of the Belarusian KGB as a former commander of a unit of the airborne assault troops of the Soviet Union. Then he took an active part in the fighting in Afghanistan.

To perform reconnaissance tasks in Rivne Oblast, he went around the border area and observed the movement of the Defence Forces.

Based on the collected evidence, the detainee was served a notice of suspicion.

He is currently in custody. An investigation is underway to establish all the circumstances of the crime.

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