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Russians dropped aerial bomb on Orikhiv during distribution of humanitarian aid, killing 4 people

Monday, 10 July 2023, 08:59
Russians dropped aerial bomb on Orikhiv during distribution of humanitarian aid, killing 4 people
Photo from Malashko’s Telegram

The Russians have hit the city of Orikhiv in Zaporizhzhia Oblast with a guided aerial bomb at a time when humanitarian aid was being distributed in a residential area, killing four people, and there may still be people trapped under the rubble.

Source: Yurii Malashko, Head of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram; Ukrainian National Police in Zaporizhzhia Oblast on Facebook

Quote: "The Ruscists have committed a war crime in the frontline city of Orikhiv; they struck the city with a guided aerial bomb while humanitarian aid was being distributed in a residential area.


Four people were killed on the spot: women aged 43, 45 and 47, and a 47-year-old man. "

Photo from Malashko’s Telegram

Details: Eleven more local residents were hospitalised with injuries of varying severity.

Photo from Malashko’s Telegram

Updated: The police added that Russian forces had carried out an air strike on 9 July. They hit a comprehensive school in Orikhiv as people arrived there to collect humanitarian aid – food and essentials.


Quote from the police: "The aerial bomb almost completely destroyed the building. The explosion killed four people and injured eleven others... Over a dozen people inside and outside the building were trapped under the rubble. Residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure facilities near the blast’s epicentre were also damaged."

Details: The police added that search and rescue operations were ongoing as of the morning of 10 July, as there may still be people under the rubble.

The Russians carried out a total of 36 targeted attacks on 10 peaceful settlements in Zaporizhzhia Oblast over the past day: five attacks from MLRS on Levadne and Novodarivka and 30 attacks on Huliaipole, Zaliznychne, Novodanylivke, Olhivske, Chervone and Malynivka.

A 65-year-old man was injured in Novodanilovka.

The destruction of 10 civilian facilities was recorded.

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