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Explosions reported in Novooleksiivka, Kherson Oblast

Tuesday, 11 July 2023, 11:40
Explosions reported in Novooleksiivka, Kherson Oblast

On the night of 11 July, explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Novooleksiivka region, Kherson Oblast, likely originating from a Russian ammunition depot.

Source:  Ivan Fedorov, mayor of Melitopol, posting on Telegram, and Serhii Bratchuk, chairman of the public council at the Odesa Оblast City Military Administration, posting on Telegram

Quote from Fedorov: "There was ‘cotton’ during the night in the deep rear. [A Russian propaganda tactic, refusing to use the word ‘vzryv’ (explosion) and using ‘khlopok’ (a bang) instead. ‘Khlopok’ also means ‘cotton’, and has since become a meme - ed.]. It occurred on a captured grain elevator in the still-occupied Novooleksiivka, Kherson Oblast, detonating before dawn."


Details: He also posted a photo of a large fire against a backdrop of the night sky, and added that he is waiting for more information from the General Staff.  

screenshot from google.maps

Photos and videos of the explosions also appeared on Telegram channels.

Serhii Bratchuk, Chairman of the public council under the Odesa Oblast Military Administration,  published a map showing the location of the Russian ammunition, hinting that the Russian battle scale of ammo is probably no longer there.  


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